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Mark Strong plays in the new HBO series Dune: Prophecy in the role of the mighty Javicco Corrino. In an active interview with the agent who teleshy about the 61 years, who is private with the imperator identification kann. This page of the characters says they are safe from legendary sci-fi epics Dunedie softly on Sky and über WOW when you see.
Mark Strong, veteran of Filmen wie Cruella, Tar and The penguinhave a compelling career ahead of us. In 1997, 007 star Daniel Craig appeared in Stimme in Drama Obsession. Before the role of the imperator is exercised, the strong power of the military is inspired and no longer interested in the British royal family. “Der Thron, auf dem Corrino sitzt, hat mich an die Krönung von König Charles erinnert”, erklärt it. So be influenced by the environment as well as the cost of the environment of the figure.
Strong offense, that is the strength of the fantastic Kulisse von Dune: Prophecy with a character identification you can: “Der Imperator ist nicht sehr selbstsicher. Seine Unsicherheit power in my mensschlich and nahbar.“ Sein Einblick in de Herausforderungen des Führens und das Ringen une Control often see parallel zu realen Lebenserfahrungen. “Man spürt, dass er von seiner eigenen Macht nicht ganz überzeugt ist. Couldn’t you find anything more?”
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